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 [2259] Burned Elswhere

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Xenon Xern
Rukbat Xern
Joseph Sharpton
Bash Starker
TLG Admin
Jean Starker
Desmond Deathwalker
Meredith Sulez
Ariel el Martyr
Vero Gallus
Hepaci Gallus
17 posters
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 21, 2024 5:50 pm

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_mxpybouFp01r3zmpt
Choas laughing her tail feathers  off - watching form the mothernest ship when JEAN is surprised in battle...

Sooo worth it  Razz 
She takes out the spider wolf but still one more obstacle. The hordes all hungry for babeee are still stampeding over the wall  in a frenzy trying to get at Meridith first. Some beasts slam and  push into her in the EXCITE.


*claps gleefully at the DRAMA as Boren-Bot complains in the background he wasn't DONE with that one yet* 

"Hussssh up and make some more.." I command waving him off to have the screen to myself. 
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 21, 2024 8:30 pm

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 54f3e3a94dec1ed77714ea38ac3f8b67a0296939


I grimace at the weird crunching. That and the multitudes of the monsters swarm pouring in and the crows circle with their horrid chants was really hurting my ears.

Then it only gets worse as the giant creature releases soundwaves. "ACK!" I hold my ears and fall to my knees, barely registering the wetness on my palms as my ears bleed, in all the chaos.

The noise overwhelms my mind like all-encompassing mental static. Overcoming everything in my perceptions, thoughts, and sensations. I face-plant onto the roof in an overstimulated, zoned out.

The swarm crawls over each other onto the bar and I can't even react to getting trampled and stampeded over in my forced zombified state. Nor the squish of the sheriff's exploded brains being trampled over.

Rib cage bones snap and crack, limbs take a beating and my head gets whacked by a stray foot. Then the back of my head gets stepped on by a big one and my skull gets concave and cracked in. Bone shards splintered into the brain. I go into a seizure and my body convulses. It only gets worse from there as I keep getting swarmed over as a stepping stone to Mer.
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Meredith Sulez

Meredith Sulez

Hunter Society: Xern Destruction Edition Pin Badge
A special advanced pin badge armor reward from the Hunter Society to Meredith Sulez for all she endured in the pursuit of ending the Xern threat.
Hybrid Hunter Pin
Awarded for killing a ton of Boren's hybrids!

Species: : Solmyrrh
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 21, 2024 9:51 pm


I shoot a few blasts of energy as more and more monsters descend on our position.

Desmond goes down.

I curse.

The pain was unbearable.

I open a portal and teleport the both of us away just as the mantis starts coming back for SECONDS Wink


I gasp at his fractured skull.

He needs healing.. No
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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 6:07 am



*pushes Meri away from Desmond PARANIOD at what she was surely going to do to make him 'better'.  Evil or Very Mad  

I shield with the one wing and look around. Already seeing things raising up from the black dirt grasping reaching for us, alerting the others to exactly where we we're. 

...the laugher ....her laughter.. projecting from high up.

*almost has PSTD attack but was too mad*

((You shouldn't be out here, do you want what happened to me??)) I tense up too afraid to be irritated she ran away with DESMOND just the like CLONE. 3 minutes alone with him..

The ship tries to suck us up in blue light so I make a portal under us all and drop us down into the Fox Lab but that will only hold up for so long. Not even underground could EVER be safe Wink

I twitch at all of Desmond's ..blood...

*holds breath*
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Meredith Sulez

Meredith Sulez

Hunter Society: Xern Destruction Edition Pin Badge
A special advanced pin badge armor reward from the Hunter Society to Meredith Sulez for all she endured in the pursuit of ending the Xern threat.
Hybrid Hunter Pin
Awarded for killing a ton of Boren's hybrids!

Species: : Solmyrrh
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 12:04 pm


I back away shocked at Sebastian's sudden appearance.

Or more accurately Boron's..

This place was a warzone and these monsters.. were like nothing I had ever seen before.

..and that laughter, I could not help but shutter at it.

It was all too much.

((Of course not I-))

I shake my head speechless, hardly remembering why we were out here anymore.

Boron portals us underground and we once again find ourselves in another lab.

I scowl wondering why everyone felt the need to have one.

"Teach me how to heal him."

I wander over to Desmond, holding a rag to his head to try and slow the bleeding.
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Species: : Human
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 1:08 pm


I turn to Olwyn and wince.

"I'm so sorry Olwyn, I should have never left you alone."

(Russia) "Uhh what happened?"

"She hasn't said a word since I got back."

I started the van engine.

(Russia) "Where did you go?"

I sigh and move the vehicle into drive.

"Desmond and..."

I sigh.

"Desmond and the other me got out. I spoke to them for a bit before they left elsewhere to gather more information and supplies. They were in the middle of town last I saw of them."

(Russia) "Oh?"

She tilts her head curiously.

(Russia) "Will they be joining us?"

"At this point it remains uncertain. Directions?"

I quickly ask not sure where to go from here.

(Russia) "Turn right, then right again at the next block, then right again a block after, head straight for 3 blocks and turn right into the next alleyway."


"Wouldn't it be faster to turn left, then left again after 2 blocks?"

(Russia) "Usually yes, but some damage occurred to one of the townhouses which caused a blockage at the intersection."

"Yikes, ok then."

I proceed with following Rush's instructions as she turns in her seat to talk to Princess Olwyn.

(Russia) "What happened?"
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 5:16 pm


I look at Russia wondering if she was like the van.. invisible to the monsters.. 

"D..didnt you see...the bodies...all...over ...the shield..I.."

I swallow hard, then I down. I thought we we're just going on a rescue save Desmond but.. he was here too?

I still couldn't fathom why Meridieth would turn on her own kingdom so easily. Why we we're running away not going to kick ass and come back?

I freeze up and think for a moment... CLEARLY. 

She must be a robot imposter! 

Even out of her own mouth was something about the real her and Desmond. 

Russia seemed aware so I don't let on my reaction, but it chilled me to the bone...even if I cant hear Chaos's never ending laugh outside thanks to magic van windows Wink 

I cant look at all the horror we we're passing and PLOT EXSCAPE somehow. 
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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 5:29 pm


"Like you have to ask..."

I stop myself from making a nasty comment to Meridieth's request, too used to it by now...


"Its best  we don't. Remember? how light reacted to him.... imagine if we used the fire on him.." I grumble bitterly thinking about observing Desmond's last surgery.   

Still a morbid curiosity, the unknown scrapping in the back of my mind, Boren's obsession.

  The tendrils...  fluid constructs,  possibly a automatic biological response....tendrils were not out in the lit room.

*tries to move Merideth's hand to LOOK inside his head*

"The room needs to be dark, but then we can protect ourselves..."

I heard something shrieking in one of the catacomb tombs. The spiders protecting the graves were all about but something seemed to be still here.. so everyone knows.

"You need to go back..."
I say still not looking at her and bend over a crushed hybrid creature and try to take a sample. They seemed undead and healing.. maybe I can use whatever property they have to heal Desmond since venom and light is out of the question. 

"I order you to go back to the caslte to the blue room without us." I TRY finely looking at her. "Now."
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 6:22 pm


"Yes? Did they hurt you???"

What the hell I thought I cloaked the van!

That man-child on the hoverboard must have messed it up somehow!? Either him or his stupid parrot.

Someone must have left a door open or something, that's the only way he could have found it and got inside I think.

Mer keeps driving and says nothing while dodging a few monsters on the road.

(Russia) "Don't worry Olwyn where we are going there will be no more monsters." Wink

Mer turns into th alleyway and stops the van.

(Mer) "You said there were squatters? Does the door not have a lock?"

"The Bloodwatch plus the flood did a number on the place but Brut- I mean, since then it has been fixed."

I jump out of the car first to type in the code.
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Meredith Sulez

Meredith Sulez

Hunter Society: Xern Destruction Edition Pin Badge
A special advanced pin badge armor reward from the Hunter Society to Meredith Sulez for all she endured in the pursuit of ending the Xern threat.
Hybrid Hunter Pin
Awarded for killing a ton of Boren's hybrids!

Species: : Solmyrrh
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 6:40 pm


"Yes! YES, I do!"

I snap back at him when he tries starting shit up again.

"Because up until this point I thought that was the only way! Didn't know it was a personal preference that you would fuck me back to life!"

I shove him hard before he explains to me that the fire would cause more harm than good.

"Great, then what do we do now??"

Boren moves my hand to look at the head wound.

I tear up frustrated and look away.

Another sound causes me to look back again.

We were not alone.

Boren tells me to leave. Then orders me right after.

"You are making a mistake."

I hiss before opening a portal and leaving them.
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Jean Starker

Jean Starker

Species: : Wraith/Siragen
Personality : Cold, Eccentric
Status : Mad Scientist

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 6:56 pm


Chaos' constant laughter was really trying my patience.

I rip out the boombox from my side and drop kick it up towards the ship.

That BITCH!!!!!!!

*Makes additional loud crunching noises in response.* Wink

I almost get trampled by the monster HORD but hop out of the way just in time.

The young mother and her companion transport by portal jump before I can get to them.


I rub my front arms/legs in frustration.

Another communication is sent on the mother's new position.

I follow and ALMOST snatch her up again when another male AND STARKER appear on the scene taking them away in another portal jump.

If I could SHRIEK I would, but I can't so I just claw up the soil on the spot they disappeared into instead.

YET ANOTHER communication is sent out but this time confirming the mother's location in an underground tomb.

I sigh and keep on digging and digging until I get so low that I fall through the roof of the tomb in surprise and fall on top of the underground Sorin statue.


*Smashes it apart.*
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 7:12 pm


In the dark catacombs, the tendrils start righting the skull fragments in place and correcting the brain.

Once the brain is repaired I open my eyes and suddenly bolt up. "Ahhh!" Then imminently wince, closing my eyes and lowering my aching head, then grimacing at the feel of my cracked ribs.

It was like one second I had a disembodied sensation of numbness, incapable of doing anything as the creature's sounds pieced through my entire being and the pain of creatures stepping all over me. Then I blinked and was here. Wherever here was. I hadn't gotten a good look in the second my eyes opened. The world had world forward with my quick sit up.

I hold a rib and feel a sensation of movement under it and shiver as the tendrils continue their work fixing my skull and bones. After the initial shock of the pain passed, I felt all the aches of the trampling and soon-to-be bruises... Presumably. If they weren't already or just not going to happen. Or maybe they'd be even darker against the tone of pale undead skin.

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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 8:00 pm


Meridieth's anger makes me very much want to let 'Jean' finish me off. I deserve it. So much more then most of the better people she killed...


I think about what.... that girl said and project my anger onto the target by the statute. 

*levitates all the pieces she is flinging around  back together trapping her in it also smacking into her as they reconect.*

I hear him. 

"I need more light to fight her...can you heal inside a crypt?"
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 8:43 pm


I twitch and cringe at all the sounds echoing around.

And I hear Bash's voice.

I squint open my eyes before night vision kicks in.

Where-? How did I-? How long has it been?

I press and rub on my ear and look over at all the ruckus. I take it in and look around.

Where's Mer? Dane! That thing had been after her... Is it with her in that thing?? Without knowing I won't risk shooting fire at it from where I'm sitting.

I look at Bash with a pained frown. An eye twitches when I feel a rib shift into place under my hand.

"Y-yeah. Apparently."
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Jean Starker

Jean Starker

Species: : Wraith/Siragen
Personality : Cold, Eccentric
Status : Mad Scientist

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 8:54 pm


((Stop it! STAPPPPP!!!!!))

I shriek in their minds while getting smacked around by the statue.

*Tries projecting sound waves at them again.*

The mother wasn't here, she was GONE.

There was a Starker though, and he was worth something.

I struggle trying to free myself of this trap while communicating with the others to follow after me inside my hole.

*More evil monster freaks start flooding the tomb to get a piece of Bash and Desmond.* Wink
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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 9:48 pm


"Knock when your done I'm going to need some HELP!" I yelp out as I shove the door close to the crypt trying not to feel morbidness when I read the name on it..

...did I make that for Meri?

I cant remember watching Boren do that. 

I really hope I can remember it to warn her (he wont) 

I then turn on the lights and absorb it trying to blast them backwards crumbling up more statues and elaborate tombs. 

I start to get hot and panic if I should let it happen or would that be worst. Boren couldn't stop them last time..

Another smaller mantis buzzes me down from my perch and a spider mutant gets quite a few clawed limbs into my chest and back before I toss it back and then crawl over to the crypt that held Desmond. 

I let a few more hurt me to stay weakened - and cooled down - to a point then try to absorb the last of the light in the crypt to prepare for transport as the creatures were on the ceiling now snuffing them out.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 10:14 pm


I realize the windows aren't there anymore.. can..they ..see us.

I freeze up and turn away from them, covering my head with a blanket.


Russia gets out and enters a code.. I smell blood right away when the door cracked open.

As soon as Russia left BRUTUS gave NO MERCY for a TRATIOR that didnt care about him and the boys and MASTER KLAUS. 

Blood, all the blood bags he saved for the boys soaked into the floor. Carpet less floor. 

Some bags exploded on the walls, some exploded on the ceiling. Dripping.

A horse was ripped apart a piece in every room.

The horse head staring straight at the doorway when they walk in.

In blood on the doorpost.

I scream loudly.

"Iwantagohooommee!" I squeak out at the smell of horse flesh stiffening and people blood.
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 25, 2024 9:30 pm


I feel a pit in my stomach as the crypt is shut and shiver once I'm alone.

I hope Mer is okay against that thing and that the cub remains safe with the hunters.

Not 'the' cub. 'My' club.


What a time to be undead.

With nothing else, but to think and wait I glance around as I heal. I catch sight of at a little setup of objects I assume to be a shrine set up for someone's lost loved one.


I glance around and sniff for any scents and catch... Ettie's scent... From the pile. Her scent was all over it. This was her stuff.

Fascinated, I can't help but take a closer look.

I hesitate to touch, not wanting to disturb anything. It felt wrong to touch anything of hers, especially something so important as important as a remembrance of someone so beloved or important to her. So instead I grimace at the pain in my ribs and the terrible ache in my head as I force myself to change positions and lay down on the ground in front of it though on my belly, chest up, to get a closer look. My lower bruised and broken ribs are not happy about it.

They were drawings of some guy or guys? I don't know who. Whoever the shrine was for I assume.

I then take notice of the other things.

A piece of bone jewelry, a star headband, and ...a whisker...?

My eyes zero in briefly on the whisker and I feel nerves tingle in my chest.

I touch my own face absentmindedly and look back at the drawings with that revelation.

No... Whoever that was definitely wasn't me. (Face or no face I didn't have dark hair. Wink )

Was picture guy a feline?... I can't imagine it could be anyone else's. How many cats were there here, let alone ones close to Ettie?... Either way, it was either mine or this just showed how much she loves felines... And I can't help but linger on those thoughts happily.

A wince-educing feeling of another rib being moved into place under my flesh breaks me out of my zone out and I continue to look over the rest of the shrine.

There was a bottle of glitter with.. fangs inside.

Did she- (I look back at the drawings.) Was this guy...

A loved vampire in her life?

Sure there were other species with fangs of a sort. Even I did. But Ettie had lived with vampires before everything and I feel like she wasn't close to any other guys here like that guy in her pic as far as I know.

 [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 1f62e 

I might have a chance! Very Happy
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Species: : Human
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 10:51 am


My eyes widen at the horrific display.. and.. horse head.


(Russia) "I swear this wasn't here before."

She states though her voice sounded more frustrated than horrified.

(Russia) "I'll get a mop."

I honestly thought tearing the whole place apart and starting over would be an easier approach.

"Come on Olwyn, we need to get inside before we are heard by whatever did this."

I pull out my pistol and look around.

(Russia) "Oh he's not coming back I'll be SURE of it!"

She works on changing the door lock in frustration.

I tilt my head at her but choose not to ask before wandering around the place making sure there weren't any more surprises waiting for us.
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Jean Starker

Jean Starker

Species: : Wraith/Siragen
Personality : Cold, Eccentric
Status : Mad Scientist

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 10:54 am


*Makes creepy tapping noises from within the statue trying to get out.* Wink
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyThu Jun 27, 2024 10:48 pm


I try to respond to Mer but cant, just a faint squeak comes out of my mouth.


I want to go BACK!

I cant tell her that. She'll chain me up...

I see alot of chains around the ground too..

"Russia you said ..he.. so you know who do this? Who?" I ask on edge as Mer looks around for more 'surprises'.

**Pennys Head is sitting on Klaus's red silk SHEETS tucked under with pillows like its a sleeping body underneath the disembodied head with its eyes closed like in sleep*
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 28, 2024 5:39 pm


I keep fucking around with the pin pad until I find a code that sticks.

Now all i gotta do is write it down somewhere Wink

"His name is Brutus."

And if I ever come accross that big oaf again I'll bust his kneecaps!

I then remember I was going to get a mop when Mer's scream takes me by surprise.

I run over to her position and see Brute's set up.

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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 29, 2024 10:09 pm

'The Imposter':

I twitch staring at the taps inside the statute very tempted to let it out now that Meri was gone...

For some faint inclination of everything she could do...

Desmond was silent in the crypt. 

I was still holding the samples from the metalic hybrid corpse, it stirred a little with a mind of its own. 

Interesting concept but I could do better...


I snap out of the hesitation and transport the whole thing back to the castle.  (not realizing he ran away, thinking I 'saved him') Wink
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 30, 2024 2:16 pm


I finish healing and knock on the crypt, wincing as I do at the sound against my four ears.

I push it open, then hiss flinching back at the energy walls beyond, letting the lid reclose as I lift my arm to shield my face.

I scooch back beside the shrine, away from the cracked open partially skewed lid, and let my mind process everything.

Away from the kid, from Mer, Mer clone, back in here... It's... Alot...
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 03, 2024 9:12 pm


"Brutus, and what does that mean? Was this his home?"

It would explain the... look..
It was quite alot. LIke Poverty trying to act noveto rich... 

Gagging a turn way from the last and final horror. A women with a big hat's head.

"W..who ws she!?"

I ask wishing Russia would be more clear there was ALOT going on here. ALOT.

"The castle is really looking better..Teagin or no Teagin."

I shutter turning away pondering if I could call home somehow but I feared the dark forces outside far to much to try.
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 03, 2024 9:48 pm


I sigh at the Princess for asking so many questions.

Does she REEEAAALLY want to know? I think not.

"Yes Brutus lived here and so did I! There was a whole bunch of us okay!"

I huff.

"Brutus thinks I betrayed everyone but I did not. He's just being dramatic that's all."

I shove Owyn the mop when she then asks about the head.

"Never you mind who she is! Now get MOPPING!"

I snap at her.

Mer turns around stiffly.

(Mer) "Owyn we will have this place cleaned up soon. Please just, bare with us."

She stuffs the head into a pillow case and wanders off to dispose of it.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 03, 2024 10:07 pm


Russia talks about her boyfirend Brutus I guess since they lived there together. I guess it was a personal thing then. But not mentioning the head seemed ... weird Maybe it was just fake.. a King's day decoration. If it was a real person they knew, they would be sadder I'm sure.

I watch Mer go a little overwhelmed and then mop up blood disturbed at how messed up everything is outside the Starker's castle...the sexual harassment didn't seem so bad right now... . 

This is all the valerians fault! They must have really spooked these two to think this place is safer.... 

*mops trying not to let mind wander what Amon DID*
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Species: : Human
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 03, 2024 11:38 pm


I take Penny's head to the fireplace and light it on fire.

Was Klaus the one to do this to her?

I think to myself feeling sick as I watched the head burn.

This whole place felt so dark, I can't believe Klaus lived here... and Russia..

I wipe a few tears from eyes trying to remain strong despite how hopeless things felt.

But despite my best efforts, I break down in sobs before sitting down full of despair in a pool of blood.
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 22, 2024 9:02 pm


After several hours of cleaning, discarding this and that and replacing all that we could we FINALLY make the place somewhat presentable.


We still had a long way to go but it was a start.

(Mer) "We need to go back out there."

"Well obviously, we still haven't got any fo-"

(Mer) "Desmond has been gone for way too long."




There were only three of us.

"Do you know where they last went?"

(Mer) "I think they were heading to snarl town."

Snarl town? But that... is nowhere near here!

I groan.

(Mer) "He's our friend."

"I know."

I pout like I needed reminding before storming off to go find Owlyn.

"Hey, wanna go join us on a suicide mission?"
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 22, 2024 10:50 pm


I zone out watching the fake hologram windows in the 'cool room' move around in a galaxy aura. I fiddle with the remote to change the color not quite liking the purple Wink 

I turn around hearing Russia.

I brighten up at the thought FINELY a real SEARCH AND RESCUE MISSON WITH THE MERIDETH 

"YES!" I squeal and gather my things. *took Echos BAG with a teddy keyclip*

I watch Meridith closely wondering what's up.  

I was still so confused and now wonder if she was REALLY on a secret mission for the kingdom and only pretending to have 'run away' YES there must be more, she was THE Merideith after all. Who could be more loyal??

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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2024 12:08 am


Owlyn was quite eager to join us.

Nice to see her attitude has changed.

Though I wasn't entirely certain what she could do.

"Do you have any special abilities or anything?"

I circle around her a bit nosey.

(Mer) "Rush.."

She sighs and shakes her head.

(Mer) "Desmond and.. "

She hesitates again.

We needed a better way to address the other one if she was going to be around more often.

"Your sister."

(Mer) "...... they have been gone for far too long now. It is time we go find them."

She turns around and leads the way out.

We load into the van and make our way to snarl town.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2024 7:50 am


The one of sunset hues (orange hair) asks me if I have abilities, I sense her doubt in me from earlier. I stand up straighter on my toes with a pout.

"Of course. I'm Night Guard!"I say like any good loyal subject would know the phrase. surely the BEST FRIEND of THE Meridith was attuned to all good Daneite principles and understanding of the deep legends and lore of what our foundation both spiritualty and physically is.

The Great Father Owl of the Night will give me strength! 

I listen to both women and pip up at the mention of a sister.

"I heard you talking earlyer. I know what she is.  You dont have to speak in riddles around myself." I say boarding the.. van.

 That MUST be a secretly cloaked ship of course.
The King wouldn't send us in a junkheap. 

I wait a good 15 minutes of travel and DONT dare look out the windows at the HORROR UTTER HORROR.

"What are we really doing out here? Like Really... your on a mission aren't you? Top Secret stufff?" I ask Meridith really hoping she admits to the secret mission and lets out some high status secrets or clues to her honorable role to come out HERE of all places. Surely she was trying to presway me  away from the  truth earlier speaking ill of the Starkers. She would NEVER mean that.

" After all Russia said we could DIE in this. I think I deserve to know what I could die for and how it benefits our people!"

Even THE Desmond was in on it seen out here. 

Where they going undercover??!
I MUST know! *FANGIRLS INSIDE*  drunken
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2024 3:38 pm


Night guard?

I blink.

*Turns to look at Owlynn from my seat.*

She mentions knowing what the other Meredith is.

"Oh? And what is she?"

I test.

Mer gets uncomfortable.

(Mer) "Maybe I should change my name to make things less confusing?"

"Yeah? And what would you call yourself?"

(Mer) "Uh, all I can think of right now is types of tea."

I snort at her expense while turning back to the princess.

"You truly think something else is going on?"

(Mer) "Honestly we are still trying to figure out things but.."

She glances out her side window at the enemy vessel in the sky.

(Mer) "That probably has something to do with it."

No shit.

"I'm sure once we find Desmond he will explain to us all the fucked up shit we've been missing in the tower."

(Mer) "....... we are under attack Owlynn alot is going on."

"The bad guys are probably possessing everyone, as if their robots freaks weren't bad enough. "

(Mer) "We should take down the ship."


(Mer) "We should."

"Easier said than done Mer."

(Mer) "You think I don't know that?"

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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2024 5:00 pm


I reply to Russia's test then listen surprised at how Merdith was ready to give up her identity like that.
I had doubts she was ..the good one but ..shes trying to save her BELOVED now so surely she is the good one. 

We wont know either till the bad one goes down she shouldn't be so hard on herself yet.

I ponder what to do if she was. But decide to be hopeful. 

They talk about the ship.

"Ohhh maybe the fake robotic ones will just fall over dead when you blow it up! Then it will be safe again!"

And we can go home!

I ponder something though.

"If everyone inside the castle is fake..where are the real ones? They arent on the ship are they?"

I feel uneasy about it blowing up now. We better check!
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 23, 2024 9:01 pm


My ears perk up impressed at Owly's response.

Doppelganger.. it sure had a ring to it, didn't it?

"Well, you aren't wrong."

(Mer) "It would be nice if it were that easy."

Mer responds to Owly's next comment but I sorta zoned her out to remember what she said.

That ship looked menacing. Speaking of...

I tune into all the monsters hanging out on the street.

It was a good thing I had a cloak up or we would be smushed, what are those? Bugs???

I squint.

(Mer) "They might be."


(Mer) "If the originals aren't on the ship then they're gone."

My jaw drops.

"You think the robots are collecting them?"

(Mer) "Boron.. collects. Experiments. It is possible."

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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2024 8:23 pm


I look at Meridith anime eyed at her omenus words of 'they're gone'.

Oh my Dane....

I stay quiet but my natural curiosity gets the best of me... 


"Was...Beolan one?"

I ask excitedly for GOSSIP of the most mysterious and always missing and VERY SCARY member of the Big 3.

"Why did he have him anyway?"

Wouldn't he kill Starkers.... why was he keeping him. What is the connection? Plus they have B names ;o
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Species: : Human
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2024 10:19 pm


"I don't think so."

I zone out slightly into the steering wheel.

"Boron probably kept him to punish him.. for his role in the rebellion."

I trail off.

And I thought I had it bad at the station.. it was a wonder Beolan made it out of that hellish experience at all.

(Russia) "Try not to think about it too much ok?"

She shoots a nasty look in the princess's direction.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2024 10:36 pm


I pout at Meridith's answer. I meant BEFORE all that. The REAL gossip mysterious and all.

Russia gives me a look.

((What? Shes with Des now. Im sure it doesnt bother her.)) I snap back at her. She must ship Beo/Mer EUWWW

We hit something it seems invisible but then wasn't.. like the van.
Something supernatural.

I brace myself this is going to be GOOD.

*ice freezes up on the barren road and starts cracking shattering . Vestal ice. I feel a shiver and trance out staring at.. the Dark Lord's mighty pitch fork tail ready to impale us one by one in transport bursts - black shadows whispering and whooshing from another realm.


*Claw's tail bashes out a great statute a statute of...the KING  but wasnt hollow*

(Claw): "Really ...a little STONE stops you godkiller?" He mocks Jan.
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 12:19 pm


Owly was alot more cut throat than I initially thought.


Through a series of peculiar events it seemed we were no long alone.

I panic slightly at the thought of my powers being completely useless against this newly discovered creature, but I could not afford to think that way.

A statue is broken and a large mantis like creature comes falling out.

The vehicle was stuck in place, as Mer attempts to reverse the van.

(Mer) "No, no, no, no, no!"

She struggles and the the princess trances out.

The mantis beast stumbles upwards on shakey legs, snapping slightly at the fork tailed creature before turning those souless eyes in our direction.

(Jean)((I know where you're hiding. I can smell you through that cloak!))

The wheels of the van schreech against the ice, confirming our loction.

The mantis leaps forward and crashes into the van sending us flying backwards. The vehicle lands upright.

I focus on trying to hide both the vehicle and our scents from the she-monster as she crouches down and blindly scurries from one spot to the other trying to track our van.

(To Mer)((The van.. isn't starting back up is it?))

She shakes her head.

There was no way we could outrun that thing on foot.

(To Owlynn) ((Nows your time to shine. princess.))

The speed the mantis proceeded to scout the area was most unsettling.

(Jean)((It's only a matter of time before I find both you and your little angels. Come out now so we can play.))

The mantis proceeds to taunt but I was unsure who she was talking to.

Mer grabs a pen and paper from the dash and starts writing out instructions on a possible escape plan.

I cringe at what she wrote.

Hopefully that fork tailed creature doesnt join in.

(To Owlynn) ((I am going to leave the vehicle and distract the beast. Once the creature is away from your position, take Mer and fly as fast as you can to the nearest hiding spot you can find.))

*Leaves van to project other hallucinations to the creature.*
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 9:44 pm


I try not to trance out at Russia's voice in my head. I was lost in dark cold thoughts, of eternal night and the.. mooon.

I shutter shaking it off feeling almost th beast's teeth.Take... Mer and fly?
Leave her!

I want to protest to splitting up but then again they knew better as trained Guild members.

I barely get a nod in and stand up to rush to the drivers seat ready to FLY!
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 10:07 pm

 [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 71ba3fe0d39edd6f54c01e60f8055858fcf77100
The mysterious blonde observer controlling hag spirts via The Chamber watches this with keen interest.
She doesn't send out any of her 'characters' (The posssed personas like Raven Tethers) yet to either side. The unhinged wild cards are to much fun to watch. Something NEW has entered the game. 
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Jean Starker

Jean Starker

Species: : Wraith/Siragen
Personality : Cold, Eccentric
Status : Mad Scientist

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 11:39 pm


I take a break from my crouching position in order to stretch out my legs.

It was very hot out here.

Still not as hot as inside that statue.

I twitch a little still very traumatized at that before a dark creature interrupts my moment of weakness, taking an aggressive nose dive for my head, nearly causing me to fall over.

Is that?! Young Beolan???

I eagerly chase after, trying very hard to catch him.

After a few clumsy pounces, trips and falls and a somersault or two, I finally catch the young Starker. 

He immediately escapes me.


A slight breeze alerts me to the scent of the pregnant one again.

At least I think it was her? There was something different about it.

I change tactics and go after her instead.

She would be an easier target and most likely young Beolan would follow after once she is taken.

I reason to myself before something catches my eye.

Another creature.

This one had the appearance of a young human female with characteristics not dissimilar to a Canidae.

I carefully poke her with one of my front legs and she falls over in surprise.

*Excited mantis sounds.* Wink


I snatch her up by the tail with my small mandibles and scurry over to where I scent the other one and her companion.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyFri Jul 26, 2024 9:17 am

 [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 D7d3778ff147ccc2119d91dfb19d628ceaf53997
Our mysterious blonde tween onlooker feels BAD and sends forth a demonic flight of crows for Owlyn to drive over  and up like she's flying the van on the wings of 1000000s of shirking night terrors.
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 7f2e34817cc855add2d2f2582695dd75a062863c
(Owlyn): "AHHHHH!"
*is afraid but pushes gas down higher* Hopes Meri is wearing a belt and doesn't fling out of those windowless holes* A few crows get sucked in and bonce around the inside of the van. Its very tramatic*

The mysterious blonde laughs a loud toothy grin at the chaos so glad she took part. It would be BORING to see Jean do her Angel bisnuess on them. Seeing them on a wild feathery rollercoster was so much more entertaining! 

Claw tries to freeze the crows with a ice blast but it just makes a nice icey bridge of frozen birds for Owynn to drive right into the webby  fence of Snareal town. She screams landing in the web next to a skeleton or two. One big eyed decapated head stares at Meridieth from her place in the web. The van is also safe in the web.


Cowboys see the girls and try to get them and them ALONE not the dozens of monsters lurking over the web fence and inside.
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Hepaci Gallus

Hepaci Gallus

Species: : Talible/Nebuquine
Personality : Ambitious, Humorous, Impulsive
Status : Governor
Home Base : Havenland

Database Profile
Alignment: Villain
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue50/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyFri Jul 26, 2024 9:22 am


I came apoon a smushed sheriff on my way here, who gave me a badge to protect the elders and children or something.. 
He gave a epic speech before death. It was inspiring but the pin was most fascinating.

It was a fancy star. I think it means I'm in charge Wink
It also is ARMOR. Righteous! Like areal space cadet Raven King folk.

So of course I try to assist the damsel in destress screaming over there AND SHOW HER THE TRue POweR OF A HOVERBOARD.

I lower the hoverboard's noxious smog from the back pipe right into the Mantis trying to SMOKE it out. 

Like its a bee or something? *shrugs not sure they are the same* 

Just in case I hit its big ass eye with the edge of the bored as I spin back around and up trying to avoid more counter attacks. 

"Heeeey Foxy." I snort at the big time drug lady's fall from grace. "Wanta ride with me??"

What a sucker that's what she gets for going 'good' all this chaos and upheaval is PRIME picking for people like us. 
We can make it BIG now. 
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Species: : Human
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 27, 2024 12:23 pm


I clasp the side of the vehicle in surprise when the princess summons a murder to carry us away.

The noise was awful. The only thing keeping me from covering my ears was the fear of falling out of the van once we were above ground.

I kept a firm grip on the door as there wasn't any seatbelts Wink

A crow crashes into my head at some point and I duck down to keep that from happening again.

There were feathers everywhere.

At some point Owlynn loses control of the vehicle and we go crashing into a giant web.

It takes me a moment or two to assess the situation.

This was.. that wall I heard so much about. We were closer to Snarl Town than I initially thought.

I try to take comfort in that before twisting around in an attempt to break free only to come face to face with a decapitated head.

I startle but manage not to scream before finally noticing the cowboys who were trying to get us out.

More survivors..

I let out a sigh of relief, truly considering the fact that we could very well be the only ones left alive outside the shield.

"Thank you."

I whisper as one cuts me down and another works on releasing Owlynn.
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Species: : Kitsune
Personality : Loyal, Trouble Maker
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 27, 2024 12:58 pm


Mer and the princess' retreat was not at all what I expected.

Wow, cool powers Owlie.

I think to myself as I dangle upside down from the Mantis' mandibles.

I was not fit enough to perform an upwards curl in order to set myself free, nor did I really want to, as the drop from the monster's head to the ground seemed a bit rough.

I would definitely break my back from that.


The monster screeches and staggers back from a new attacker.

I squint trying to figure out who it was until I notice the hover board.

It's that PIRATE!

He comes over in full view and offers me a ride.

"And sacrifice my dignity on that-"

I yelp as the Mantis shakes its head and tries rubbing its eye with one of its front legs.

Oh who am I kidding? I need HELP!

"YES! Yes, yes, yes a hundred times yes!"

I think I am going to pass out from all my blood rushing to my head!

*Squirms upside down making stressed fox sounds.* Wink
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 29, 2024 7:15 am


I try to stop screaming but my HAIR, it was full of feathers and on SPIDER WEBS.

That was awful. Awful. It must have been the red witch's doing! She said fly and..we sure did..

I shutter at such a traumatizing experience but at least we we're here.

"Glad to see you in on piece! Uh sorry for my...driving." I grin a little awkwardly at Meridith and then look at our rescuers. A few more ben were working on lowering down the van. That may take a bit.

(Hunter from the Hunting Society): "Welcome back Meridieth. You had us worried. Where is Desmond?"


I gasp. He means the doppelganger! They were here too.

Hunters and slayers HONOR Merideith not only for her sacrifice on their beloved Blood Station but for her bravery in monster killing (they know she would nEVER tolerate vampiresa and the like being Wink a true hunter of monsters, they feel out of the big three she definetly represents the hunting claass/evil slayers ) she is given suplies, a fresh coat, arilarty of knives and a silverbulet gun. AND MANY warm welcomes so glad shes here.

Owlyn pouts wishing she got something so cool.
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Species: : Human
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 30, 2024 9:09 pm


I blink a little stunned.

"What do you mean? That was phenomenal."

I congratulate the princess completely taken off guard by her spectacular gift.

It seems we lost that giant bug too.

I think..

I pause now growing a bit worried for Russia.

One of the locals greats me with familiarity.

I do not believe I knew him?


Its takes me a moment to realize they meant my doppelganger.

So they were here!

"I don't know. Do you recall seeing him last?"

I ask with concern before being provided with gifts.

This was so very embaressing.
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Hepaci Gallus

Hepaci Gallus

Species: : Talible/Nebuquine
Personality : Ambitious, Humorous, Impulsive
Status : Governor
Home Base : Havenland

Database Profile
Alignment: Villain
Power Level:
[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue50/100[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 31, 2024 9:30 pm


I grab her and pop and lock a seriously wheelie to show off the hover skill - and get some smoke at the bug-bot.

I head for the big fence trying not to get stuck on any webs.

"What are you doing out here anyway?"

I ask as I land on her van - still stuck in the web.

"Thought you girls had a sweet hiding spot... did it fall through?"
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

[2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] Burned Elswhere   [2259] Burned Elswhere - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 01, 2024 10:24 pm


I cant help but notice how awful everyone looked, so ruff and there were so many grubby orphans. It was shocking the great kingdom of light could be so disheveled. So worn.
I think of my own family and land and wonder.. wonder if its like this everywhere now. 

What happened? The curse was over wasn't it?

I squeeze my fist hoping the real people who can help are up there on the ship.

Desmond.. the King... 

(Clement): "One of the uglies grabbed ya and he followed... took the fight down to the ranch or the graves.." A cowboy answered. "We thought you went up the ship."

I frown. But then realize this is good they took the doubles up to the ship! Maybe the real ones are there too!

My nerves were so shot I nearly jump and turn to look at more men being called to help lift out a van from the net and .. two more survivors. 

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