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  [2259] We're All Mad Here

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Cole Dyingsun
Abhiram Massui
Ethan Goth
Morgain Quince
Ezra Foxe
Carry Foxe
Raluca Xern
Klaus Sulez
Princess Blythe
Zorra Foxe
Desmond Deathwalker
Beolan Starker
Meredith Sulez
Bash Starker
Juliet Robinson
22 posters
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Klaus Sulez

Klaus Sulez

Personality : Polite, Tempermental
Status : Elder
Home Base : Tunnels

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue100/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Jun 02, 2024 7:19 pm


((Watch it!))

I swat the crude device away from him.

((Are you trying to give away our position?))

My stich work was half assed. I didn't bloody know what I was doing.

((We must get his head in place so that he can be used to distract Boren while we get Meredith and get out of here!))

I exclaim and switch positions to his other side.

(To Tully) ((Quiet!))

I compel him.
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Meredith Sulez

Meredith Sulez

Hunter Society: Xern Destruction Edition Pin Badge
A special advanced pin badge armor reward from the Hunter Society to Meredith Sulez for all she endured in the pursuit of ending the Xern threat.
Hybrid Hunter Pin
Awarded for killing a ton of Boren's hybrids!

Species: : Solmyrrh
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Jun 02, 2024 8:35 pm


My eyes well up with tears at Sebastian's touching sentiment and romantic gesture.

We were both currently going through so much, both together and alone, that no one else could ever truly understand and I hoped ever have to.

I look deep into Sebastian's eyes throughout the ceremony just as smitten.

Responding with, "I do" when appropriate and following along in accordance with the wrest of the ceremony.

**William tries reading his own costume at several points to know when he is ALOUD TO CRY.**
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Jun 02, 2024 11:03 pm


The words said between the two are deep and sweet. It's such a beautiful, heartfelt moment. Not only to listen to as an observer but to feel.

I smile, watching my best friend finally getting married to her true love.

Bash's words really sink in and Meredith's feelings are unquestionable.

Like Bash said, in a perfect world, they really should have been free to be together this whole time. Instead, I think everything for all three of us before had been... a mixture of choices based on a manner of expectations of the world and the belief that we couldn't actually be with the ones we really wanted... So instead of admitting real feelings, it all ended up being a mess of... societal pressure and self-doubt.

But now they found their way to each other after all this time.

I think I can only hope I can do the same one day... But there's that doubt and worry...

Mer and Bash were so brave to fight for what they wanted and won out in the end.

Meanwhile, Cole is relieved about all the instructions.

Zeek glances around for his Mom and Dad briefly but then pays attention to the wedding and cue cards and follows the suit's instructions.
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Beolan Starker

Beolan Starker

Hybrid Hunter Patch
Awarded for killing a Orc hybrid!
Skywatch Guardian
Mosaic's Hollowed Watch, Guardians the Ministry of the Legends.
Star King Pin Armor Badge
The armor of the King of the Stars..

Personality : Steadfast and Stubborn
Status :
Home Base : Lost in Space

Database Profile
Alignment: Explorer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Jun 02, 2024 11:38 pm


I watch Klaus, his ..plan was... just THAT? We've been trying to get out and it wouldn't be any different...this time..

He really thinks we can just. grab her... so pregenet like that, under guard and on everyone's mind.

He had nothing.. did he? Nothing but another sad try and this time.. he was.. just playing with a body.. in desperation...

It would be the same as before... he was grasping.. 

The wedding threw him over the edge, hes ignoring it, hes not going to stop it.

I leave him FEELING all the LOVE and even Desmond was BRAINWASHED by it all. Disgusting LOVE

How can he think this is real? How can he think it?! He was HERE with her all these years longer then me. 

You can clearly tell what a true Meridith reaction would be. TO LEAVE, the clone did. She wouldn't take Boren's insanity for that stupid pretty face full of air.

He cant compete what WE have...he cant. 

She loved ME and she loved Desmond..... and he was never a calculation till her whole species changed and she was imprisoned! 



But its not hot at all, its cold, deep deep cold sorrow. *tries frozen tears as I scrap my hand on he wall, clawing it struggling with ..everything..*
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Morgain Quince

Morgain Quince

Pharacore Guild Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild.
Spymaster for the Search & Rescue Guild: Xern Infiltration Edition
Special reward from the Spy branch of Search & Rescue Guild
Bloodwatch Research
Laboratory branch of Bloodwatch involving vampiric research and study.
Priest Class Patch
Member of the Hunter Slayer Priest Class.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Human ;)
Personality : Cold, Calculating, Manipulative
Status : Flynn's Temporary Vessel
Home Base : Lost in Space

Database Profile
Alignment: Crazy
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue88/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (88/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Jun 02, 2024 11:57 pm


No one objects. Funny..

Didn't everyone WANT the king before?? Like some sexualized icon, now no one was throwing themselves down screaming nooo.

I take a nice drag of smoke and keep going. This was all Brewcaslte level funky I tell you..

"This marriage unites not just Sebastian and Meredith but all of the subjects sitting here today, to all souls baring witness a new King and Queen. Your monarchs and your future monarchs, ask now for your blessing. To support Meredith and Sebastian in their marriage, to honor and serve, to keep them in your prayers, to hold them up with love and loyalty.."

I announce them all as legal witnesses and carry on.

"By the power vested in me in Dane, I now pronounce you husband and may now kiss the bride!"

I take a nice long drag and wait, Bash hesitates to do it feeling GUILTY I smell. Is that a hint of unworthiness? 
Hmm I wonder why?

I see if Meridieth will make the move to seal the deal.
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Meredith Sulez

Meredith Sulez

Hunter Society: Xern Destruction Edition Pin Badge
A special advanced pin badge armor reward from the Hunter Society to Meredith Sulez for all she endured in the pursuit of ending the Xern threat.
Hybrid Hunter Pin
Awarded for killing a ton of Boren's hybrids!

Species: : Solmyrrh
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyMon Jun 03, 2024 1:17 am


I understand Sebastian's hesitation.

Morgan turns to me next and I can't bring myself to do it either.

Suddenly I am hit by a wave of emotion so strong, so heart wrenching that it could have only come from Beolan at this moment.

I look down feeling guilty.

But I made my choice, couldn't he respect that?

I glance back up at Bash again, tuning back into our moment.

((Would you like to kiss the babies instead?))

I offer with an innocent sort of smile.
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Status : Writer

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyMon Jun 03, 2024 5:35 pm


I glance around warily, wondering if the tree man is going to attack while we're all grouped together or if we're safer in numbers and he'd rather pick us off one by one...

He sure didn't mind killing though with a group of us in the room with him though so... I'm not keeping my hopes up...

Yeah.. We're sitting turtles.

I glance back at the wedding.

Did I miss the kiss? No one made any noises... and the signs haven't changed... Maybe no one is kissing...?

I hear Zeek whisper.

(Zeek): "Are they objecting to themselves?"
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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 15, 2024 1:23 pm

The Imposter:

I smile nervously at Meridith's alternative to the kiss.

((Thank you.))I reply still so touched with her understanding.

I kneel down to gently kiss her stomach, trying to be quick but the contact made was..enough.

Gregorian sobs, those emotionally effected by the water to CARE applauded the conclusion of the wedding. There were some screams from a near by table but it was irrelevant. Too LATE for their protests.

*Energy/soul sucks a baby that Merdith's mind prefers/knows the most as PUNISHMENT for this insolence YET AGAIN, and ful repower healing from Bash's trickery and intentional wounding*

*the lighting returns to normal from the dimming, it returns strong. *

*Merdith's labor is induced from the TRAMUA, the strong ways call to the monstrous children to escape the suden death in the womb at all costs*

"What terrible timing?" I chuckle getting back up and reaching for a HAT levitating my way slowly. The Hat INTENDED to be worn for the ceremony before what's left of shattered Bash interrupted.

((But this is a worthy distraction for my...announcement.)) 

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*puts on SKINN hat oh so causally and skin flashes a deeper BLUE*
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Ettimay Sulez

Ettimay Sulez

Species: : Sirrinid/Frugiferentis Hybrid
Personality : Self Conscious, Shy, Loving
Status : Nurse
Home Base : In Hiding

Database Profile
Alignment: Believer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue50/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 15, 2024 1:24 pm


I watch all focused on the big moment till I felt the cold chill.

The kiss stops everything, or lack there of. 

I trance out again remembering that voice..about one kiss...

Zeek says something that made sense but I couldn't process it, I kept seeing snow and ice.

(Ezra): "They can do that!?"

Little Gregory shush my brothers completely emersed in the MAGICAL moment.

I drop my flowers and turn to them at the table. Dora looked unsettled too.

Is it that redhead intuition?? Wink 

**Tully drops down flipping our table on his way to ATTACK IN KLAUS'S GRAND PLAN**

I hug onto Zeek and reach for Ezra's hand.

"R..r.r.unn! Go!"

I try to get a move on away thinking they we're coming for us personally ..being VAMPIRES.

I'm to scared to see Tully moved on and kept going - we we're just in the his GOAL
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Klaus Sulez

Klaus Sulez

Personality : Polite, Tempermental
Status : Elder
Home Base : Tunnels

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue100/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 15, 2024 9:02 pm


Things go from bad to worse within a blink of an eye and rash decisions needed to be made.

Tully was no longer tasked with being a distraction but now solely responsible for my sister's escape.

Her screams rang horribly in my ears but there was no time to lose!

Something was happening, Beolan was doing something to the walls and surrounding area, making it cold, ice cold.

I try to touch him but even against my lifeless dead skin it was still too much.

In a split second I decide to leave him and flash to the entranceway.

How I was going to get through the shield I did not know.

I swing open the front doors and to my surprise the shield was glitching.

Whatever Beolan was doing seemed to be having a greater impact than I thought.

I flash through the shield immediately and head straight for the bomb.
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 15, 2024 10:12 pm


I'm suddenly overwhelmed with sharp horrid pain that pulsates through my no Mer's body I realize as her screams hurt my ears with her so close.

Oh! Oh! It's! It's time! The babies!

Despite this turn of events, Beo's sadness claws into my brain.

Then along with the pain and screams my eyes are drawn to movement. Zeek gets up and runs with his siblings.

I squint as the dim walls grow brighter and drop the parsol seeing it useless now, so I can try to cover both sets of ears trying to drown out at least one sense with everything so overwhelming. The ear covering doesn't help and now my skin prickles with heat.

Tully is.. here. Back from the dead. But I'm too emotionally defeated and checked out, as well as overwhelmed on the feeling of pain building like something is trying to burst out of the stomach to do something or even think about that for once.
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Bash Starker

Bash Starker

Space King
The high honor of galactic kingship, but heavy is the cosmic crown.
Peacekeeper Patch
A keeper of the peace, a new order of soldiers for a new era of peace.
Mosaic Navigation Guild
The new starry pathfinders, explorers and captains of Mosaic's Navigation Guild.
Hybrid Planets Liberator Patch
Helped liberate planets from the Overlord's hybrids.

Species: : Siragan / Human / Alicore Illumicero / Nebuquine / Hurriocco / Solmyrrh / Zodithan / Siesces / Serk / Ziroyuki / Multi Aquatic DNA Additions
Personality : Naïve, Charming, Troubled
Status : Long Lost Heir
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Royalty
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 17, 2024 3:14 am

The Imposter:

Such...seething pain. But I try to burn hot with that new energy spark inside me to stay somewhat focused. 

"Well this makes the honeymoon awkward...*gasps a little trying to ignore pain* "How purrrfict there's a back up bride."

I cast a conniving glance at 'the white queen' oh so perfectly cast.

OF COURSE no one thought it was funny I finely let the little nurses pass to hep Meridith because Blythe shoved me for that. I Quite would have prefer Meridith endure her suffering in a nice dark place, alone powerless unable to heal and suffering long hours like she inflicted on me. 

(Leithe): "How do we even give her something, you cant break the skin?"

(Lasha): "mmm*whines afraid of babies or Mer's rage or BOTH*

(Blythe): "Meri, you-" She's surprised by Tully,  what lovely timing for her pet to be loose before she can advise her. 
The nurses duck as Blythe tries to force Tully back away from Merdeith belving he was drawn to the fresh blood.

So much DISTRACTION. Perfect. No one sees the figures moved in, those in the hallway where taken first forced back in their rooms.
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Those in the audience where now meeting 'the Gardeners', going down every aisle, blocking the doors, those getting up to either run or try to help are restrained.

I will myself to raise my voice through the pain. This DREADED connection will be over soon. I will evolve this body and all its... troubles.. at last.. I will be beyond it. Limitless again at last. Omnipresence to them all but NOT bound by their flaws.

To be seen more I retract the two wings, that also reflected duality in their differences.
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 7a6027df775a4e6b3f96c4de1853173ddb13473c
- the two wings -

It catches the eye of those watching Mer in horror or were watching the vampire attack. Those struggling under the strength of my new creatures. 
So much screaming. For nothing.

We will all be together in a new way. 

No one will EVER trap me again like they did. 
No amount of suffering they all were feeling would EVER be enough. 

"This is a new awakening a new birthing of something, but its not what you think.. your all going to bare witness to a union of biblical proportion, I was to LAX with you in the dark ages.. *groans trying to not black out at another pain ripple* "the black blood was for the humans but I spared far to many of you. No more. I'm going to make all you animals better... just like I did the humans..."

(Morgain): "Bash!" He struggles being held down by a strong armed Squibyd.

"Am I? I think you can ALL start stop calling me your King and start calling me the Overlord!"
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 A497888ec5af1edd58f0aaaec59b9a53fb581ed0

Vines layed out like torches burst into blue flame causing chemical reactions in the air to the newly enhanced flowers and plant life, all apart of somthing bigger. I yank the priest's flower wreath off and let it explode in my face, the beautiful flowers all around seem to rot and decay and combust in deep rich blackest purple over everyone. I suck it hungrily , oh so hungrily to stop the PAIN, to become more then it. 

To be connected to them all but not joint in their suffer, to be their GOD.

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 085cb25e1dd4331b5175685f781fab23cce591dc
- Boren's Infection, he believes will be his greatest grostessute brutal masterpiece, that everyone will transform and begin devouring one another in beautiful carnal natural selection till they are fleshy combined works of deranged art ready to be tended by the 'gardener' Squibyd into a RICH crop BUT Bash added some of his own science into the project to leave his own legacy to make it BENifical and not what Boren intended - 

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-the gardeners waiting to tend YOU the crop of higher evolution- 

Rulez is pleased by this post

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Meredith Sulez

Meredith Sulez

Hunter Society: Xern Destruction Edition Pin Badge
A special advanced pin badge armor reward from the Hunter Society to Meredith Sulez for all she endured in the pursuit of ending the Xern threat.
Hybrid Hunter Pin
Awarded for killing a ton of Boren's hybrids!

Species: : Solmyrrh
Personality : Caring, Friendly, Couragious
Status : Rebel
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 17, 2024 9:40 pm


Urrrghh the PAIN!

So much cursed pressure and sharp, stabbing, seering.. CLAWING!

I gasp before grinding my teeth in agony.

The nurses around me I could hardly focus on, save for one.. Blythe.

Oh good, now she's being nice!

I choke up some blood, pretty sure I was experiencing some pretty severe organ failure from the babies abrupt exit.

Ugh, am I dying?


The pain is too much and I begin screaming, relentless, unending, blood curdling screams just longing for the moment I either die or pass out.

Needless to say I did not hear a word of Boron's horrble speech.
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Desmond Deathwalker

Desmond Deathwalker

Vampire Killer Patch
Awarded for killing a Vampire!
Hunter Society: Fairchilde sect Guild Master Pin Badge
A high honor pin badge of the Hunter Society. The armor is pale, almost white silver laced, with a light hint of golden hues of the Fairchilde sect of hunters.
Iron Beasts Guild Patch
Member of the Iron Beasts Guild.
Search & Rescue Badge
Member of the Search and Rescue Guild
Alternate Future Orphanage Patch
Member of the Search & Rescue's Orphan Mentorship program, specifically the Alternate Future Orphanage.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Black Hole Being
Personality : Protective, Insecure, Modest, Cat

Database Profile
Alignment: Lost
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 17, 2024 11:35 pm


Stares at Bash shocked.

He's going by the Overlord now???

Was that bastard Klaus was right all along!? All this time!?

I knew Ettie had good instincts! She knew there was somehow some smidge of rightness or something in him to have freed him!

My shock is abruptly shattered as I lower my head, hunkering down my shoulders tensing with more pain.
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Ethan Goth

Ethan Goth

Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Infection Evolved: Siesces / Zodithan / Ziroyuki / Nebuquine / Illumicero / Wolvinter / Octoen / Inkling / Siren / Goldfish / Tudokoa / Human
Personality : Hardworking, Initiative, Whimsical, Flexible, Protective, Analytical
Status : Pilgrimage Protector

Database Profile
Alignment: Helpful
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue75/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (75/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 17, 2024 11:36 pm


My head lulls to the side and I gaze on with pupil-blown eyes from the tainted waters having been emotionally invested in the wedding due to its effects.

The kiss was to the babies! I tear up. How adorable!

Claps enthusiastically for my cousin Sebastian along with the rest of the water-influenced.

What a wedding! So beautiful!

There's a speech and a squid posse shows up. Smiles at them, unbothered by their appearance, as they pass through the aisles.

I then look back to my cousin and stare and listen intently to his speech but as I do I feel so many fearful emotions in the room! I feel a sense of dread, confusion and fear and have to tear my eyes away to look around warily, wide-eyed in shock finally noticing everyone held down.

A nearby squid-armed woman in a dress (Gale) hisses, gazing at them paranoid and gets up protectively over her cub, she get strong-armed from a squid from behind and lifted up slightly in its strength as she kicks her feet back. Her son looks at her in shock alarmed.

(Cole): "Mom!"

He gets up and tries to shove the squid off her but gets grabbed by the squid in their own isle. He tries in vein to flutter his trapped insect wings against the squid's chest.

Suddenly there are chemicals in the air and I wrinkle my nose. Then wince back startled as flowers start exploding and rotting.

Gale's big flower decoration explodes and she lets out a short shriek of startled alarm.
Ooze splatters on me.
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Juliet Robinson

Juliet Robinson

Reeducation Branch Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild's Reeducation branch.
Pharacore Guild Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Infection Evolved: Vervain Lyratrisan
Personality : Naive, Trusting, Hopeless Romantic
Status : Reeducation Medical Cadet

Database Profile
Alignment: Dreamer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue20/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (20/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 18, 2024 10:32 am


With a head tilt, I stare adoringly at his eyes when he looks my way and I can't help but beam a smile and shiver, ear wings a flutter.

He said it! He said it! I AM his other bride!

He continues on with his announcement and I gaze doe-eyed, hanging on every word!

I jump a little startled as stuff starts happening with the plants, but no matter. I gaze enraptured at 'The Overlord'! What a controlling, manly title! I love it!

I clap at the announcement, grinning despite all the other stuff going on. I will support my man in his moment!

Suddenly, Desmond's wings extended out, knocking me down into the melted gunk of the rotting flowers. A strange ash starts to pulsate out of him with a strange reverberating terrible sound I can only describe as whales of the damned. The ash looks like gusts of snow and each plant it touches starts to regrow for a brief moment only to rot and wilt again due to the chemicals in the air.

Then suddenly a dark hole encircled in swirling light appears in front of him at torso level. Then BAM!  A quasar burst of blue energy, like a flowing guizer or blue flames, flares out with the sound even louder and blue demons shoot out forth.

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Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.
Pharacore Guild Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild.

Species: : Infected Evolved: Vervain Lunarbeast
Personality : Empathetic, Resourceful, Contradictory
Status : Mad Doctor
Home Base : Lost

Database Profile
Alignment: Mad
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue85/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (85/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 28, 2024 3:49 pm


Not only did we have a baby eating vampire trying to get the new bride and QUEEN BUT DESMOND WAS GIVING BRITH  TOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my Dane!

People were SHOCKED at the duel timed birth. 

(Teagan): "What the fu-"

(Turtle Seamstress): "Whaaat? I knew Des girl. Cat girl, dog boy you noknow 'dit??" She tries to tell the prince who couldn't believe it. "I make Des bra."

I look away  from the horror of Meridith's ripping stomach to see Desmond shooting out... something that weren't babies. 

(Leihe): "Vestel!"

The moon strength almost makes me fall over and back crack into a transformation.

(Blythe): ((Dont you DARE!)) Her voice was strong in my head trying to command me not to turn. I needed to help. Help ...

She held one baby and shows it to Merdeith trying to keep her still with us.

(Blythe): " will all be worth it see?" She brings the baby's little hand to Meridieth's skin as it shares some energy.

The vestal sounded awful they make chattering sounds but stop - they all together  looking up - raising their hands up.

*moonstone incoming bomb*

I yelp throwing myself away from the others finely transforming it was to strong- to strong. Everything hurts and Vestals scream and claw me.

Leithe was ripping into Vestals trying to charge them away. 

So much screaming. 

Babies crying.

I smell more blood.

The vampire.

Everything felt black and sticky and I thought I was in blood but it was some plant life. 

*heart beats faster freaking out unable to see* 

Was I under rubble or..

what happened. 


I shutter in pain and confusion under moonrock feeling as lost and confused as I was on the pirate ship when my family was broken up.

*goes into deep disturbed nightmarish sleep under purple goo*
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Ettimay Sulez

Ettimay Sulez

Species: : Sirrinid/Frugiferentis Hybrid
Personality : Self Conscious, Shy, Loving
Status : Nurse
Home Base : In Hiding

Database Profile
Alignment: Believer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue50/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 28, 2024 4:11 pm

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Ettie and little friends follow Beolan's ice trail out the energy castle as it crumbles - JUST IN TIME.

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They did not get Infected by the new virus but Beolan & Ettie's new looks.
 Beolan's sorrow of Merideth's marriage to BOREN caused his fully icy transformation but it was enough to ice up Boren's blue energy shield so Klaus finely truly escaped.
Ettie got flustered by tree man and now has new little wing-ears on her head feeling very wolfie from the Supermoon she happily enjoys the big DOOM MOON unknowingly of the PAIN it cause others.

So I felt cooling on my flattened ears that still felt sore. The excitement of the wedding felt blurry and far away now. The tiny snowflakes in the air felt like whispering nips as they landed, drawing me on to follow them. 

The cold wind almost blew them ... musically to my ears. Must follow it.

(Ezra): "I..think we lost the vamp Ettie." He looks at Zeek worried at my trance out.  

The bugfaced solider that saw us and shot away squid all heroic was now even confused why we kept going so far..

Abhiram surveys the land scape skeptically.

Others followed us when we ran from vampire Tully.

(Greg Jr.):  "I think we're going the right way look, the castle is down.." 

The young boy looked excited to see outside- the horror Chaos and Boren left for right now was covered by snow. A icy figure that was almost man shaped hovered it was ..Beo. levitated a bubble of transparent energy around him almost looked like a thin icy glass ..snowglobe.

*REALLY trances out just watching the snow blizzard*

(Ezra): "We're outside! And that moon...its so big.. why is it so big?!" His tail thumbed on the ruins of the original castle excitedly. 

I pull myself away from snowglobe thoughts to look up. 

The moonlight was so bright. It was light sunlight but it wasn't. It felt soo good. Light seemed reflected even more off the ice crystals. 

It appeared like the crystals were making light too

The ears on my head were more like wings and flutter soaking in those amazing moon energies. 

I could close my eyes and feel the pondering of running with claws but I dont transform, I stop thinking about it afraid too. It hurt so much to just have my ears move, there would be so many... bones.. moving.. 
I stop myself afraid of just imagining how the snout would pop. I felt bad for Lasha and Leithe but I could enjoy it enough on my skin, feeling stronger and less afraid. It gave  my skin a little bit more of a sparkle mimicking the shimmering lights.

Greg was running around with his hands up 'supermoon supermoon' 

(Greg jr): "If only we knew Dora, we coulda made the best..coats. All that fireproofing and we needed something for ice!"

I see the moon get even bigger, so big the moon was it looked like it would fall. 

And was that.. *squints not sure what the Desmond blackhole tunnel was from afar*

I head towards where the light was casting on the crystals and glass remains. It was so pretty. Like a cave made by beautiful debris.

No wonder Dad and Mom missed the wedding to see this... what an amazing celestial event it must be so rare and we get to see it!cheers

(Tilly): "Isn't snow mean the planet is freezing? Isnt that..bad?" Tullys little sister asks tugging on Dora's sleeve, afraid and not sensitive enough to enjoy the SUPER MOON energies
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Status : Writer

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 28, 2024 8:01 pm


The chill and the feel of outside cool breeze was actually really nice after so long indoors.

Zeek looks back at Ezra's gaze thinking the vampire must have triggered her and she was still there. Lost in the memories.

I gaze around as Greg points out about the castle.

"Oh, that's great."

The Kingdom wins in the end! Triumphant!

Zeek frowns and looks grim but doesn't say anything to spoil the mood when his brother gets exited about the moon. And his sister is already traumatized.

Zeek ponders what could have gotten the castle down? The colonies? Did other the vampires get 'em? Whatever or whoever it was must have been stronger than The Overlord.

He glances around as if he could find the answers that way and we both see there was a floating man in a snow sphere.

"Woah." Tilts head peering at him. "Is he... Hybernating?" Is this normal cool cold alien stuff?

Zeek peers at the bubble wondering how that happened and when. Then looks up at Ezra's point of the moon.

(Zeek): "You weren't kidding. It is big!" He lifts his face up smiling in the glow of the moon and closes his eyes just to feel.

I light up at Greg's words.

"Yeah! Oh and the ice theme would have gone great with the moon too! Blue and silvery!"

Instead of all those reds.

"And the stars!"

I look to Tilly at the tugging.

My stomach drops at her words.

I think of the Colonies almost always floating about avoiding this fate.

I swallow.

"Maybe..." I pause then give a weary smile. "Or it could just be a season... Let's just take the happiness in this moment and look at the moon and feel the fresh air for now, yeah?"

What else could we do until we heard the all clear that the vampire was deat with?

Last edited by Rulez on Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:55 am; edited 2 times in total
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Abhiram Massui

Abhiram Massui

Mosaic Ally Badge: Valerian Solider, Honorary Peacekeeper.
This badge is for the royal allies, honoring the Soulflyers with the same authority as one of our own soldiers.

Species: : Soulflyer
Personality : Brash, Devoted, Hardworking,
Status : Solider
Home Base : Valeria

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 28, 2024 10:14 pm


I get nervous at all the lights, or was I just traumatized from being inside the energy castle so long. SO many... light shows..

..many terrible terrible light shows..

I wish William was here, he was a trustworthy NEO-master role model. I didn't feel aquept to handle this as we ventured farther following the tranced out girl. 

Did you SEE those squid-men things..

I shutter a little, there didn't seem to be any out here. Its cold.. squid don't like the cold right?? Right??

If there's one more tentacle trauma I swear to Dane I am goin-

I almost shoot at some movement but its just another kid late to the party..

I lower it awkwardly as the girl whose brother we we're running away from asks a redhead for advice. 

(Tilly): " is pretty." She agrees looking up. 

 I watch most of the aliens go moony eyed over the big moon. It was pretty but I dont think I sensed whatever most of them were sensing.

Then twitch my antennas in alarm sensing a change.

"Guys lets move.. in the cave....the storm is intensifying"

It was ''hailing' now? Or was that hail. (moon rock pieces)  

I yell again to get them moving.

(Ettie): "Its raining....sparkles!" *wants to put them all in treasure JAR awestruck*

(Ezra): "Owe my glasses." He ducks for cover no longer tail wagging, they didn't really seem to hurt him but his glasses were more breakable then he was.

(Greg Jr): "Wow someone up there heard you Dora, he gave us blue and silvery bedazzles!"

He squeals collecting fist fulls with his hardened turtle hands before rushing inside the cave with the others.

(Greg Jr): "Here! now you're not DULL!"

 He blows sparkles onto my mask.

Humfh I dont think its dull ,it was patriotic. 
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 28, 2024 10:23 pm

Lil Greg - the creative vessel that he is - has BIG plans to use paper, gluestick and these pretty sparkle glitter to make the new babies tiny crowns  [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Eaeeb2bd8662516c8b66c7e7a0a6e232e45569d3
Little does he know hes playing with their demise. 
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Ettie just wants a jar full. 
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Benefaction Guild Badge
Member of the Benefaction Guild.

Species: : Human
Status : Benefaction Guild Cadet

Database Profile
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue5/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyFri Aug 30, 2024 1:13 pm


I gaze at the weather in amazement.


Living in space cities you're really missing out on the splendor of weather!

The only thing I could think of that came close was when little rocks pelted the city shields.

"It's like a meteor shower!"

I open my hand to catch some.

"A star shower or a moon shower!"

It's so awesome!

Zeek tries to cover his glasses with a hand on his forehead, then winces as he gets pelted in the head with one and hisses and jerks. Then follows after his brother to watch safely from the cave.

Wow! Living on a planet ruled by an actual god was so cool! They take weather requests! Or was this specifically for the wedding?

"It's like the god's blessing to the King's union!"

Imagine if it had been stakes to kill the vampire for daring to interfere?.. Ow...

I grab some more off the ground and head off to join the others.
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Abhiram Massui

Abhiram Massui

Mosaic Ally Badge: Valerian Solider, Honorary Peacekeeper.
This badge is for the royal allies, honoring the Soulflyers with the same authority as one of our own soldiers.

Species: : Soulflyer
Personality : Brash, Devoted, Hardworking,
Status : Solider
Home Base : Valeria

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 10:24 am


I listen worried. Was this stuff radioactive or toxic or?

The girl was shaking it up in a jar awhile while another kid was making crowns with it on the floor.

I decide to try to get some intel from the boy who looked grim - Zeek earlier. 

He might know whats up more then the girl.

"Do you have any idea where we are? Or what direction we should head too?" I ask him as I listen to the sound of the rocks hailing down above our cave.
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Zeek Foxe

Zeek Foxe

Species: : Anti-Vampire Sirrinid / Frugiferentis Hybrid
Home Base : Harvestman Ranch

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 11:24 pm


Dora sat on the ground next to Greg and looked over the rocks and sparkles trying to think of something to do with them.

I looked from them to the soldier.


What about mom and dad?...

I have a wary feeling if their disappearance was vampire and squid related... It makes a sinking sensation in my stomach and I shiver and feel nauseated.

I sniffle some blood and swallow it and the bile in y throat down but I can feel the need to hurl lingering in the throat. I keep my mouth shut and force myself to think of his questions. It's not like I know for certain their... They could be kicking ass... Dad would have sensed... the vampire... at least...

I blink in thought and turn my attention to outside the cave.

The cave... Yeah. Why was there a cave here?... What was this?

Not that I knew much about the city by any stretch of the imagination.

The question though makes me think of the view of the outside of the castle through the energy walls. How everything changed from how it was at the time of the ride to the castle. The Overlord's terraformed horrors, right?

Would Snarel town even still be there?... It had to be right?... Even though some had even come back to the castle... That just shows it had been around even then... And there were plenty of hunters there to keep everyone safe.

"Um, I don't know. There's Snarel town." I think about the train and the car ship ride. "But it's pretty far..."

I look to Ettie and her jar.

"My sister managed to make the trip on foot though."

Would asking her help add more distance from everything or just make everything worse for her?..

I guess either way, I should be the one, before the soldier asks.

"Ettie? Do you..." I tilt my head. "know a shortcut to town from here?..."

I glance around the cave.

"Wherever here is."
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Cole Dyingsun

Cole Dyingsun

Reeducation Branch Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild's Reeducation branch.
Pharacore Guild Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Lyratisan / Trydein / Siren
Status : Technician Nurse
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue30/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 04, 2024 3:22 pm


Everything had happened so fast! There were so many sounds, movements, and strange blue creatures, but all I could focus on was mom held against her will.

Then suddenly the roof came down and I found myself pelted and pushed down under the weight of rubble and the squid that had been holding me. I heard crackles of energy and felt a great trembling and shaking underneath and around me and I gasp as more weight shifts on top of me, then I go into a coughing fit at all the chemicals, dust, dirt, and pollen.

I scrunch my face in concentration as I try to push up.

"Ahhh!" I grimace, and grit my teeth, as another blast of electricity sounds off and everything shutters and rocks once more.

Rising up, dust tumbles over the edges of the squashed squid draped over my back, their particles glinting in blue illuminated light. I hear gurgle sounds above me from it.

"Uggh!" I heave one side up and lower the other. The squid and roof bits slide off my back.

I squint in pollinated and dust-laden air against the illuminated dark that is neither complete darkness nor brightness but some misty twilight. Flashes of blue shocks like the occasions zap of electricity or lightning reflect off dark purple black sludged walls that were no longer illuminated with the blue energy shielding that had protected us from Boren and the dangers of the outside world.

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There was presumably blood gurgling out from... well under those tentacles on the face of the squid who had been on top of me.

Its eyes glaze and then nothing. No sound. No gurgles. Just... Dead.

I hear coughs and sounds of moving rubble.

I crawl forward towards where mom had been. Now there was a large chunk of fallen ceiling.

My eyes widen and I'm hit with a dense of wrongness and dread as I see some of mom's foot among the wreckage, not covered by the large chunk.

"Mom!" I cough on the chemicals in the air. "Mom!"

I tug and pull at the concrete, grunting as I trying to get it off.

My ears twitched with the creaks and groans of the wrecked environment and the rain of rubble.

But what I didn't hear was mom...

"Mom, are you okay!? I'm here! Don't worry! I'll get you out!"

I looked around desperately for help as I pulled.

I start to feel things smack and fall into me As I gaze around I realize it was raining stones and what started as a trickle becomes a downpour.

I can't think about what that means for now. I raise up my layered shell hood. Rocks bonce off it as I look for something to help me prop up the slab upon her.

A chill runs down my spine as between the sounds of pouring rock rain, I suddenly hear demon shrieks and screams.

My eyes widen, a sick feeling in my gut and I can't force myself to look in the direction of those things Desmond had birthed. I couldn't. I feared if I did I wouldn't be able to move again.

I force myself to help mother.

I keep my gaze low. I see some scattering flashes of dusty and goo-drenched flesh among the rubble.

I grab pieces of broken chairs and some of those glowing rocks and try to see-saw the chair pieces until the slab and hold them up with the weight of the rocks and prop the piece up with more. Maybe if I can raise it enough I can pull her out.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 10, 2024 3:50 pm

Bruno: (Cersei's cousin, Student at the Gifted Ivy League.)

I was up ontop in the Search & Rescue Guild's Branch of Infultation for the bitching makeup department of course.
Damn son. We don't gots stuff like this in New France. The wedding bored me. 
Tentacle dickhead wasn't a Ceth I don't have to attend nuthing. And that Spanish broad. Peleaaase. 

I smile to myself looking at myself in the mirror. Applying some guyliner.

Then everything shakes and rattles and rolls.

I grab one of those pins BRUNO ANT GOING DOWN EASY HONEY.

I squeal as ceiling bursts open. Some Search and Rescue suits hanging upstairs fall in. I crawl and hit buttons.
 Firing at random things till I shield up.
I go tumbling tumbling. I see sparkles glorious sparkles falling from the sky.

Beautiful, shiny. My faveriate now my DOOM.

If I ever survive this I'm going GOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was my last thought before knocking into some crystalline wall. 


I pop open my helmet shield and see that pretty baby face boy with the wings.

"You, horns. is this a normal alien honeymoon..or like an attack?"

I hear screaming. SCREAMING so piercing its my cousin. Its Cersei.

That beech. Making me get my hands dirty??



I yank up a piece of purple stone wall with the strength of my suit's hands.

I see her insides poking out. She was impaled. 
I scream holding the piece of metal. She screams seeing the piece sticking out bleeding. Blood gusting.

We both scream at all the blood squirting.


I stop screaming realizing I am going to inherit it all baby. Byebye Cersei. 
I just gotta get HOME.

I raise up my shield and helmet to the gushing GOO everywhere.

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Ettimay Sulez

Ettimay Sulez

Species: : Sirrinid/Frugiferentis Hybrid
Personality : Self Conscious, Shy, Loving
Status : Nurse
Home Base : In Hiding

Database Profile
Alignment: Believer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue50/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 10, 2024 4:58 pm


I shake my jar of moonstone, staring at it falling inside the glass all tranced out and in my own head.

The anxiety about stopping the wedding, the excitement over my pictures come to life.. all gone.

No care in the world.

Then as I watch the stone shards gather at the bottom shimmering I felt a moment of pure clarity. This is what I saw.

It wasnt the moon of Vestal. That awful mission the King sent Beolan and Desmond on because of my vison. He wanted it destroyed.

But it was this.

I set the jar down feeling disturbed.

Is the King better? It was... the only thing that would make it better.

isnt that what i felt when I saw it.

I squint at the rocks now feeling funny about them as Little Greg crafted them into small crowns. Greg was so happy thinking about putting them on little royal heads.


Meredith. I should find...

I look at my brother and one of the creepy soldiers Dad said I shouldn't talk to. But he seemed nicer then most of the honeycomb ones?


I ran here... didn't I?

How did I do that.

Desmond was in trouble. My thoart felt tight wondering if he was in trouble now and why I didn't feel the same anymore then that moment before.

"Ok. l..lets follow the cave . uh tunnel. Surface may"

I look back at the jar imaging the pieces big and sharp.

(Abhiram): "Sounds like a plan to me."

I get up to lead the way trying to remember what way I came. I stop once we start reaching pieces of metal, gears. and big balls of nest material, feathers..

I fight the urge to put them into jars and pick up the feathers.

It looked.. mechanical. a ship?

I grab Ezra's hand from rushing over because it looked 'cool'.

"Ze..ek?" I ask him since I had no idea if it was a bomb or something else.. machinery wise. 

Greg hides behind Dora, wondering if she knew what it was, if it was human thing. It didnt look very human or kingdon-y at all. 

Maybe...Overlord-ish.. from the ooze.

The honeycomb solider lights a flare to look at the very organic metaly cave wall.

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Zeek Foxe

Zeek Foxe

Species: : Anti-Vampire Sirrinid / Frugiferentis Hybrid
Home Base : Harvestman Ranch

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 10, 2024 11:03 pm


I had started to think that maybe we were in a tunnel system that ran from the city to the cemetery and lab. But then we reached... Whatever this is?...

"Um...?" I tilt my head looking over it all. I had no idea where to start.

My eyes roam around the ring. Then take in the whole organic technology nature of it all.

So... Strange...

I take a step forward, then hesitate and try to see if the other stuff gave some sort of clue to what it all might be about. Or from what...

"Feathers?... What would have feathers down here? Underground?..." I whisper.

Dora looks it all over too and hazards a guess.

(Dora): "Bur-burrower.. Owls?"

She guesses since... Owl kingdom and all.

I.. doubt it...

But I do have to think it must be Owl Kingdom-related. Since when did the Overlord have feather stuff?... At least... I don't think he did?

Wasn't all his stuff primarily orcs and turtles and just recently mantises?

"Maybe... Maybe it's a secret Starker lab?... Maybe even Prin-" I cut myself off from calling Jean a Princess. She was a Starker but a fallen one right?

"Maybe one of Jean Starkers?... She did weird stuff right? And the old King was obsessed with her, I think? Maybe he settled on the planet because she um... Had set this up on?" I shrug.

That was my best guess at least.


Dora glances around and picks up a gear. I wince thinking that could be irradiated.

She throws at the wall and I wince at the noise.

I glare at her. Like what the Dane!?

"What was that for??"

(Dora): "Testing for boobietraps." She hisses at me in a whisper.

"And what if that gassed the tunnel!"

(Dora): ".... ooh."
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Cole Dyingsun

Cole Dyingsun

Reeducation Branch Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild's Reeducation branch.
Pharacore Guild Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.

Species: : Lyratisan / Trydein / Siren
Status : Technician Nurse
Home Base : Mosaic City

Database Profile
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue30/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 11, 2024 4:49 pm


I shoot a glare at the search and rescue-suited person.

He's asking that??? Seriously???

I'm trying to save my mom here! AHHH!

"What do you think??"

Though I guess he doesn't think!

"It's an attack!"

There's the continued sounds of rocks pelting but that could be also other noises of attack weapons, who knows? Either way, rock rain isn't natural. Maybe they were a weapon or this is a magic users doing.

I wince at the screams.

"Lasha?? Leithe?? Juliet??? Teagin??" I call out.

Was everyone....

My stomach drops and I feel sick at the word 'dead'.

No.. Just knocked out and gonna wake up... Like the screaming girl, I assume.

I manage to pull my mother out.

She stirs with a groan. "C-cole?" She coughs and there's a splattering of blood that comes out as she does.

"Mom!" I gaze at her overwhelmed in relief and the sudden weight of everything.

I kneel down into the goo puddling rubble, that streams down from above, around us and scoup her into an embrace.

She hisses in an intake of breath.

My eyes widen in alarm. "Sorry, sorry." I glance around desperately.

(("Please! Help!")) I mentally call out. (("My mom needs help!"))

She slowly and delicately wraps her arms around me. Her forehead on my shoulder.

"I love you, mom. Are you okay?" I snifle as tears gather at my eyes.

I know she isn't. I feel her body shake as she coughs blood between us.

There's a loud sound as the wreckage above groans and buckles under the piling weight of the moon rock.

(Gale): "I-"

Then there's a snap sound. A structural beam stabs through the top of my skull.
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TLG Admin
TLG Admin

Status : Writer

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 11, 2024 5:18 pm


Baby face isn't in the mood for talking.. OHHH

I see where he goes.

That's so sad drama. Poor babycakes..

Not my problem though.

I try to fiddle with my suit, it chaps and doesn't fit right.

I try to find a flashlight but its too late, something snaps above us. More debris come down.

I don't get my skull crushed like babyface but I do get BURRIED and black out in the dark cold suit.


Is the last thing screaming in my open head before the coldness lulls me to blackness and void.
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Ettimay Sulez

Ettimay Sulez

Species: : Sirrinid/Frugiferentis Hybrid
Personality : Self Conscious, Shy, Loving
Status : Nurse
Home Base : In Hiding

Database Profile
Alignment: Believer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue50/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 11, 2024 5:41 pm


I listen to Zeek worried. I look at the feathers..and nesting materials. Machines still on, lights.

Feathers on the ground...

I think about Orion and ..the rest of the family... molting..
Xern lab so close to home?

I push the thought out of my head.  This didn't look like Raginbar's lab anyway...the look.. the style...

 It cant be. Mom and Dad would have known.

I push back the unsettled thought. Jean... old King Sorin's...err one of the wives? 
The Evil wives? Like Evil Lola...
Evil wives went on the trophy wall. 

Ezra looked like he was going to do one of his 'fun fact' moments. Something he's been doing alot lately.. but he looks at Dora then away and shrugs.

(Ezra): "Hm she killed..Starkers.. that means even we could go down...she's got the big guns...or..whatever she kept in her dunk tanks." 
He winces at Dora throwing gears too. 

I remember now. My... birthday party in the city. I gulp thinking about all the colors and lights in the blow up bouncy house.


The glowing light in the center of the chamber changes to NEON green.


I gasp and back up. Zeek was right! Its her! Her colors! pink...but it may be the next light.

(Greg): "How bad can this lady be if she likes Neon?"

He goes over and turns it back to blue. I near alot of clicking gears.

 I step back ready to run.

I hear... something on the inside hitting or turning something more gears... computer static?
My wing ears flatten trying not to listen. 

(Voice inside): "heeelp*muffled*

(Ezra): "Maybe she has a hidden stash of a girl.." 

I look at the white feathers of the head wing, so close to my face now. 


I have feathers too.

I push the ear wings back up alarmed. Not liking the white feathers.  White feathers like the evil Starker killer..
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Zeek Foxe

Zeek Foxe

Species: : Anti-Vampire Sirrinid / Frugiferentis Hybrid
Home Base : Harvestman Ranch

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 12, 2024 3:57 am


My eyes widen when a muffled voice is heard.

Woah! Someone was in there!

"Well... I- I don't think that would... Make sense? Why couldn't she get out on her own if they were clones in there?..."

Dora cups a hand around the side of her mouth and shouts at the door.


I step up to the light thing and look up at it.

"I mean I guess they could be blank slates for her to inhabit?..."

Dora palms her fist looking determined.

(Dora): "She could be anything! It doesn't matter! We gotta help her!"

She goes up to the light thing.

(Dora): "Green means go! Lets make it green again!"

"But we didn't-"

Dora picks up another gear and chucks it at the thing thinking that's what made it green the first time.


"There had been gear noises when Greg turned it blue."

I go over and grab the two gears off the floor that Dora had thrown and start looking over the wall.

"Maybe there's places to slot them in?"

Such weird organic mixed tech...

(Dora): "There!" She points to the very top of the arch. The circle thing that could have been a design... Yeah... It did look gear-y.

I fly up and give it a try slotting one in.
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Ettimay Sulez

Ettimay Sulez

Species: : Sirrinid/Frugiferentis Hybrid
Personality : Self Conscious, Shy, Loving
Status : Nurse
Home Base : In Hiding

Database Profile
Alignment: Believer
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue50/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySun Sep 15, 2024 12:24 pm


I watch Zeek, Dora and Greg try to figure it out. 

(Gregory): "Maybe the colors go with the spectrum!. Rainbow! Blue almost opened it but we need two more.. indigo, and violet!"

He pips in. He looks back at me.

(Gregory): "Purple right!?"

I stiffen at the attention and nod a little timidly.

Ezea hollows at Zeek flighting up.

(Ezra): "Careful Zeek ahh....she'll want to bleach your wings first!" 
He comments on the bright shiny blueness that of course Jean wouldn't approve of. Only the purist white. The only one pure enough to not be bleached was the lost princess.

I notice him strapping his backpack tighter around his back not letting his wings out afraid. 

(Ezra): "I bet your glad now you don't got wings huh Et?" 

I felt bad at the reminder of how I'm not like ..them.

Did the vampires..cut them off? I cant remember so much anymore. 

(Ezra): ((Sorry least you..have wings on your head now?))

..but those don't fly.. they just flutter embarrassingly.  Its like a tail. 
Just something else that gives away how you feel. Thats no fun. 

I resent my tail a bit, and sometimes wish I didn't have one.. Wink

The bug solider readies himself for whatever comes out.

After Zeek places the gears we hear more turning and the colors change. It did end in ..purple.

(Greg): "Yay! You won!"

He jumps up and down holding fist full of feathers he had been picking up.. probably for another product. 

Out comes a young blonde haired girl wearing alot of black feathers.

(Windy): "Sweet mother of Chaos you did it!"

She laughs a little and looks around. Then her face turned and twisted in worry.

(Windy): "W..we might have to go back inside...though... something bad is going to happen. LOOK at these readings.."

She runs inside and then stops coming back and dragging a big round smaller lens ball to prop the door open so it doesnt lock again.

(Windy): "These readings are bad! Super bad!"

(Gregory): "Is.that a video game.." He peers in but didn't step fully inside. I see big screens ..sonar ..radar.. sort of things that made my head hurt. but lines were moving fast and colors beeping.

(Windy): "Kinda but....not.. lost control.. no wifi.." She babbles trying to change the settings on something.

The ground shakes. it must be what she's talking about.

(Abhiram): "Ugh do we really have to go in there.."

He sighs recently pulling little Greg away from the door and checking for himself first.

(Abhiram): "Hey its bigger on the inside ..then the outside?"

(Windy): "Its cool, we wont get locked in the vault again... the spare key is.. umm..hey flyboy.. can you get it it?"

She rushes back out all scatterbrained and points out a black twisted stone horn shape dangling on the ceiling. 
I think it used to be the 'light bulb' 
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Zeek Foxe

Zeek Foxe

Species: : Anti-Vampire Sirrinid / Frugiferentis Hybrid
Home Base : Harvestman Ranch

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptySat Sep 21, 2024 9:48 pm


Ezra warns of the bleaching. Eshh...

Breaths in and holds breath in case bleach fumes come out through the door.

I raise an eyebrow at the girl on the other side.

Okay, maybe no fumes... Or bleach... Being... All black feathered and not wearing a mask...

(Dora): "You did it!"

I take in the room she had been in as she runs back in. So much mystery equipment...

Dora takes in the blonde's feathers wondering if she was wearing an alien bird hide or if the feathers were put together into the outfit some other way.

She tears her eyes away at Gregory's mention of video games and looks around as the ground shakes.

I listen to the others as I just gaze around. The insect soldier was right... It was bigger on the inside... How?? This... Had to be some sort of optical illusion right?

As I look inside and outside and around the entrance trying to make sense of it, the woman addresses me.

"Flyboy?" I mutter to myself.

I guess she had to call me something. Better than some other alternatives that come to mind..

I pick up the strange horn thing she pointed to.

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Ezra Foxe

Ezra Foxe

Species: : Sirrinid/Frugiferentis Hybrid
Personality : Klutzy, Insecure, Kind
Status :
Home Base : Harvestman Ranch

Database Profile
Alignment: Hero
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue60/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyMon Sep 23, 2024 4:18 pm


I hold back a squeaky laugh at what the mysterious girl called Zeek.

How insulting to be compared to prey!

Though flies sure seem to be kicking out family's butts...

I think.. considering worms are baby flies...

baby...spider food... kicking out butts. Awe man.

 Once the Valerian solider doesn't get trapped or smushed by anything bad I go inside too.


I sigh and tug her back in, she was petrified. 

I look back up at Zeek, he gets the horn object.

(Windy): "yes! That's the key! Come on lets close it up and get ready to ride out the aftershocks!"


I watch her put the horn in what looks like a wheel to 'drive'. Things start glowing orangeish yellow and windows seal up with a force field like effect. So much shaking.

((.... horn, is this the princess Jean took??))

I theorize with Zeek since we knows more then probably any of the others. 
Ettie was good with lore too....before her book phobia. But she was completely still and staring ahead.
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Zeek Foxe

Zeek Foxe

Species: : Anti-Vampire Sirrinid / Frugiferentis Hybrid
Home Base : Harvestman Ranch

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 25, 2024 9:50 am


"Aftershocks in tunnels, let alone after a Boren terraforming, doesn't sound good..." I admit.

Dora and I follow inside.

(Dora): "How long have you been down here?" She glances around to see if there was something big enough to hold her. Like a stasis pod if that was an actual thing. Or perhaps a cloning pod or some sort of hydroponics or pizza lab equipment among the video gamey stuff.

I listen to Ezra and my gaze flicks back to it.

The horn was black... The color reminded me of mom's coal ones.

(("If it is, guess she couldn't bleach it, unless she's fine with black... or.. Maybe its Boren 'bleached'."))

Him and his black goo and all...

... Ew.. Hopefully not... If it is at least I'm not a human since I touched it... Er...

I glance to Dora.

Maybe its... Really dry, old, and dormant... It's not like... Gooey... It was stone-like.


I glance away and look at the lab girl.

If it was Boren bleached what colour might it have been before?...

I think of the pink theme of the Search and Rescue guide.

Could have been pink like her powers. Though there could have been no colour coordination there.
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Windy Weathers

Windy Weathers

Species: : Haggish Hurriocco /Matrix
Personality : Cryptic, Scatterbrain, Knowledgeable
Status : Mysterious Stranger

Database Profile
Alignment: Careless
Power Level:
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue40/100 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (40/100)

 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [2259] We're All Mad Here    [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 EmptyThu Oct 03, 2024 9:28 pm


Everyone gets in and I hurry moving junk and birdnest looking tumbleweeds, big lead metal bolts and caps. Huge textbooks of latin and raman cups.  I kick under the desks/console table. 

 The ground tremors again, its less real on the fluxerating screen then having the door open and feeling it. Whoa.

"Hmm couple years maybe.." I guess to the redheaded human then start seal locking the door in haste.


Alarms go off.

"its happening.."

Ezra whimpers and holds onto some bars on the walls. There were plenty for everyone to hang onto if they dont want to strap up in all those ceiling harnesses hanging down among more feathery bundles and wires.

I look at the data results, all just numbers coming off an old printer spurling up in big folded papers.

"A living...bomb.. an...aquatic .Decapodiformes, superorder of Cephalopoda. .... a big... one.. with a big brain? Telepathic burst... also something...sub organic plant life.. in the snow?"

I look around between them all for what that means.

(Gregory): "Maybe its my relative?...cant be daddy though...his brain isn't that big.." He looks at a girl next to him. Tilly shrugs and looks to Dora for ideas. 

(Abhiram): "Kids...this is.. a little.." He begins to complain since nothing happened and was warily. 

Something hits the tin can we're in and we go FLYING , you could hear the slam slam slam and crumbling of earth and dirt hit the chamber but it stays strong.

(Ettie): "Nononononoooooo" 🤯

She squeaky whispers staring into space looking like a dear in headlights, tail wrapped around her.
It looked like a wolf or fox tail not a dear, but she sure didn't seem tough.

Come to think of it she looked like  that this whole time...

"Is she 'special'?"

I ask flyboy seeing their relation.

We gotta watch her then. Make sure she doesnt hit self destruct or sumthing.

I fiddle with the stone horn and try to get visual 3D reception finely then just pixels and data numbers.

Theres one of my characters.. Solider Raven.. it projects from 'his' eyes.
Fire and big stone chunks falling, screams.

Raven darts around looking for her superiors. Will and Amon nowhere to be seen to tell him what to do.

He looks at the big red ruby ship with flame artistic detail, it defiantly was NEONetwork.

A big burly redheaded man comes out bellowing 'TEAGAAIN'

Raven stops to see the soldiers, maybe from that ship trying to fight the rubble.

A beast pulls its head out of ruble and snow and they rush away.

Shots fired. The beast had purple flowers and vines.....

Goo seemed to splatter on the snow.. arms and bodies reaching....

Raven pulls back from a mutating hand/claw grasping for him.

The big burly man snaps orders to stay clear. Medics rush in.

Someone dislodges castle stone and the kitchen staff wails coming out unharmed from their cellar.

(Wanda): "OH MY DANEEE NOO! The...the...its...all...!" 
She wails at the blast site, the ruins, the falling snow almost covering it.

 Only a few purple flowers remain sticking up, a soldier slaps her to tell them what happened.

She manages to gasp out.. the..the wedding..its..gone..

(Kegan): "It must be the Overlord's that monstrosity .."
 [2259] We're All Mad Here - Page 3 0e4e5b802b4142625bbe071ea966043490ab0ece
- The wedding supper that never was.... 'turtle soup' dinner has been 'evolved' from the Infection - 

Some twisted mutated GREEN SOUP BEING raises up like a banshee, its flowing soupy hair behind it, chunks of evolved meat, small heads emerge and scream with it.  It attacks.

The soldiers had this 'Teagain' fellow but he looked mutated by his head piece fused into his head and hair. 

The burly man, manages to tractor beam Teagan with energy from his crystal sword and pull him in but the liquid monster now swirling purple and green was burning alive soldiers she could reach. 

I make Raven fire some shots and follow the soldiers into the ship.  The kitchen staff and anyone left is pushed forward in a frenzy of screaming and wailing.

The door closes...The soupy beast doesn't go further. 

Medics shield Teagan and scan for what they call infection, plague, matrix nanos, hybridism. They didn't know..

it was new....

Teagan had it and was carried off along with any other 'survivors' they dragged off before the soupy monster tired to stop them.
Nurses and medics rush around trying to disinfect the hanger.

I move Raven forward after hes hit with disinfection from the sprinkler above, I have Raven peer into the big domed window and make him look down.


The squid.. it was huge and it was desiccating the surface!! Its booming blast breaks down the tunnel we're in. I hear the whipping wind all around us.


I call out to my new 'crew' and grip the stone horn ready to DRIVE us to safety.

Gregory hyperventilates and doesn't vote 

(Ezra): "Ahhhhhh!" *just screams*

*Tilly cries holding onto bug man's leg*

(Abhiram): "SHIP! Ss...s..hip!"
He babbles deeply disturbed at the RUINED castle they just managed to escape from. 

*The chamber lurches as the pink car - now posssed by Flynn - honks at it and drives around trying to find safety before its picked up by the blast and tossed further out*
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