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Viewing profile: Dave Mizzree

Forum presenceAll about Dave Mizzree
Avatar: Dave Mizzree
Rank: No special rank assigned
Status: Offline
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Last visit:  Today at 12:19 pm
Database Image :   
Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree D84959233086d9092daa3902f518205f41483833

Species: :   
Infection Evolved: Lyratisan / Siren / Siesces / Goldfish

Gender :   

Status :   
Reeducation Branch GuildMaster / Mental & Occult Therapist

Home Base :   
Mosaic City

Posts :   

[0.15% of total / 0.30 posts per day]
Earned awards
Pharacore Guild Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild.
Reeducation Branch Patch
Member of the Pharacore Guild's Reeducation branch.
Priest Class Patch
Member of the Hunter Slayer Priest Class.
Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.
Undead Killer Patch
Killed an undead.
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Database Profile from Dave Mizzree

Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Tumblr_pl8wbjDR4q1qe5j2fo1_500

Statistic Data :
Statistic DataViewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty
Strengths Strengths Biological:
• Siren Teeth & Claws
Defenses Defenses • Hybrid Scales: Siesces / Siren / Goldfish
• Human/Vervain Plant Cell Skin / Fish Skin
SpeedSpeed• Flight: Hybrid Lyratisan / Fish Fin Wings
• Swimming: Siren tail
Stealth Stealth  
Stamina Stamina • Sunlight Absorption Through Plant Cells
Senses Senses • outside of Human range:
Higher Soundwaves, Emotions,
Vibrations, and Energies (Siesces)
Element(s)Element(s)Emotions, Sonic, Water
Special Abilities Special Abilities  
Species : Infection Evolved: Lyratisan / Siren / Siesces / Goldfish
Alignment :
Awareness Levels :
Awareness Levels Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty
IntelligenceIntelligenceLyratisan: Advanced ability to Learn and Accurate Memory Recall.
TelepathyTelepathy• Siesces Telepathy: Mind Speak
• Telepathic Hybrid Scaled Horn Antennas
Mental DefensesMental Defenses 
Psychic Ability   Psychic Ability • Mental & Emotional Manipulation White Noise soundwaves (which take the sound of insect noises).

• Alluring trance song (only to those that can be attracted to him)
Supernatural Connection(s)Supernatural Connection(s) 
Power Level :
Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Left_bar_bleue35/100Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty_bar_bleue
Weakness Data :
Weakness DataViewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty
PhysicalPhysical• Water Dependency
• Toxins, Chemicals, Pollution
• Sunlight Dependency
MentalMental• Stress from Pressure
• Siesces higher emotions, energies senses and crystal scales can pick up bad frequencies.
Alternative Form(s) :
Alternative Form(s)Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty
Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty• Siren with goldfish scales, and hybrid lyratisan / fish fin wings
• Goldvain Beast Form
Inventory :
InventoryViewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty
Viewing profile - Dave Mizzree Empty