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Viewing profile: Ethan Goth

Forum presenceAll about Ethan Goth
Avatar: Ethan Goth
Rank: No special rank assigned
Status: Offline
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Last visit:  Today at 5:14 pm
Database Image :   
Viewing profile - Ethan Goth 27a866d7347c2b30c5282dc34c46abacc59fad22

Species: :   
Infection Evolved: Siesces / Zodithan / Ziroyuki / Nebuquine / Illumicero / Wolvinter / Octoen / Inkling / Siren / Goldfish / Tudokoa / Human

Other / Decline to state

Age :   

Personality :   
Hardworking, Initiative, Whimsical, Flexible, Protective, Analytical

Status :   
Pilgrimage Protector

Declassified Files :   
Ethan grew up in the human colonies hiding their species and true identity. They are a distant relative of several elite families; the Pelagius, the Sheepards, the Zhang Royal Family, and the Morays.

Posts :   

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Infection Expansion
The new reign of the Infection has begun.
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Database Profile from Ethan Goth

Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Tumblr_o5dg72ejM61trfd18o2_r1_250

Statistic Data :
Statistic DataViewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty
Strengths Strengths
• Enhanced Wolvinter / Zodithan Dragon Physical Strength
• Illumicero Ice Horn
• Evolved Hardened Hybrid Tentacle Horns
• Multiple Tentacles (from back pouches)
• Wolvinter Claws
• Teeth: Siren Teeth / Zodithan Dragon Fangs / Wolvinter
Upper Back Molars
Defenses Defenses
• Hybrid Evolved Scale Skin Blend:
Scales: Siesces Crystal / Zodithan Dragon / Siren / Goldfish
Skin: Opal Metalloid / Sieces / Vervain Plant Cell / Human
• Hybrid Evolved micro-scale laced / coated Opal
Metalloid Bones
• Hybrid Evolved Bone Plate / Scaled / Pliable Mesh
Shell Blend Spiked Shoulder Armor
• Evolved Freeze Immunity
• Vervain Hybrid Biology & Aura
• Animal & Insect Peaceful Influence with Petals
• Wolvinter / Furry Form(s): Water & Frost Resistant Fur

• Illumicero Shield Projection
• On Foot: Wolvinter Enhanced Speed
• Above Ground: Illumicero Levitation
• Climbing: Tentacles Blend
• Swimming: Siren Tail, Wolvinter fins, Tentacles
Stealth Stealth • Octoen Chromatophore Camouflage
• Ziroyuki Genetic Manipulation
Stamina Stamina
• Wolvinter Enhanced Stamina
• Evolved Hybrid Vervain Nebuquine Photosynthesis
(Sunlight Energy Absorption)

• Illumicero Healing Tears
• Ziroyuki Regenerative Healing
• Infection Evolved Seeds
Senses Senses
General Senses:
• Siesces Enhanced Senses: (sight, hearing, smell)
• Siesces Enhanced Hearing of higher
soundwaves outside the human range.
• Nebuquine Dark Vision

Specialized Senses:
• Botany Sense: Able to telepathically feel plants.
• Blood Senses: (Blood Sight & Genetic Gaze)
• Chemical Detection Senses
• Enhanced Zio-kin Sense: Locate Ziroyuki and relation info.
• Enhanced Infected Link Sense
• Siesces senses outside of Human range:
Emotions, Vibrations, and Energies
Element(s)Element(s)Ice, Frost Flame (Ice Fire), Cold Energy (Pocket dimension),
Water, Botanical, Blood, Ink, Bioluminescence, Metal,
Special Abilities Special Abilities Frost Flame: When the infection evolved Ethan's
Zodithan pyromancy it mutated, making kinetic flames
turn so cold it burnt. It also upgraded it so Ethan can create
their own fire instead of needing pre-existing flames.

Cold Fire Breath: The air and carbon dioxide in Ethan's
lungs turn cold. Lev can let out like clouds or a torrent
of cold flames that freeze into ice on impact & frost burn.
Species : Infection Evolved: Siesces / Zodithan / Ziroyuki / Nebuquine / Illumicero / Wolvinter / Octoen / Inkling / Siren / Tudokoa / Human
Alignment : Helpful
Awareness Levels :
Awareness Levels Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty
Ivy League

• Octoen Enhanced Intelligence & Multitasking
• Genetic Database:
Ziroyuki's have their own mental storage of recordings of genetics encountered.
TelepathyTelepathySiesces Telepathy:
• Mind Speak
• Telepathically Project Images / Memories through Crystal & 'Save' Moments.
TelekinesisTelekinesis• Cryokinesis ❄️
• Hydrokinesis
• Botanical Manipulation
• Pyro-Ice kinesis
• Ink Manipulation
• Metal Bending
• Illumicero Levitation & General Telekinesis
Mental DefensesMental Defenses• Vervain Hybrid Biology:
Natural Defense against protect against Vampires, hexes, curses, pixies and Fae.
Psychic Ability   Psychic Ability Spirit Form Self
Supernatural Connection(s)Supernatural Connection(s)Zodithan Zhang Royal Family Ancestral Spirit: Fire Dragon-Rat Personality & Physicality Influence:

Dragon: Whimsical (Spontaneity and creative thinking), Lucky, Flexible, Eccentric, Egotistical & Tends to assume the burdens and responsibilities of a family with strong protectiveness of those close and loyal to them.

Rat: Adaptable, Quick-witted, Crafty, intelligent, and a true opportunist. Quietly observing and inquisitive. Can be intrusive but always in a disarmingly honest way. Excels in work, alert to opportunities. Hardworking and thrifty.

Fire Element: Courageous, Passionate, Good at Research
Power Level :
Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Left_bar_bleue75/100Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty_bar_bleue
Weakness Data :
Weakness DataViewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty
ElementalElementalFire, Heat, Electricity
PhysicalPhysical• Toxins, Chemicals, Pollution
• Water Dependency
• Sensitive Tentacles
• Scale Shed (yearly or after injury)
• Looses Illumicero powers if virgin purity is lost
• Intense Sunlight/heat on sensitive skin
MentalMental• Virgin Commands
• Ethan's Siesces higher emotions, energies senses and crystal scales can pick up bad frequencies.
SupernaturalSupernaturalExorcism / Breaking Zodithan ancestral ties would loosen the spirit.

Possible Possession Risk during Spirit Self State unless ritually prepared first.
OtherOtherImpulsiveness, People Skills
Alternative Form(s) :
Alternative Form(s)Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty
Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty
Beast Form

Wolvinter Hybrid

Merfolk Hybrid
Inventory :
InventoryViewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty
Viewing profile - Ethan Goth Empty• Seed Pouch: Infection Seeds